Wednesday, January 28, 2009


It's the second day of Chinese New Year. And from the title. It isn't a good one.

Firstly, red packets shrunk like hell. Okay. Please don't go about saying red packets isn't THE THING. Shut your fucking trap. If you really want to say that, give me your red packets. I will be grateful to you. Also serves as a warning to keep your unsightly mouth shut :)

Secondly, i met with someone i detest AGAIN. I seriously don't feel like talking to you. It really irks me. I can't find anything to communicate with you so please stop acting sociable. But what makes me dislike her right? Actually is EVERYTHING. She's not pretty and her make up skills suck balls. She's FAT but she thinks she's slim. I know it isn't her fault to be born fugly but well, too bad for you.

Thirdly, my helix is fucking driving my mood down. *not for the young*

Its fucking painful and swollen but there's no fucking pus nor blood. I can't fucking take the fucking stud out because it's fucking gonna be fucking ugly and i might not pierce it in. I should have fucking not touch the fucking prawns. And i have absolutely no fucking idea how to help my helix. ITS FUCKINGKANINABEYCHEEBYE painful.

And now, i'm fucking stoned. While they are enjoying at Orange.


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