Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Formula One

Formula One Grand Prix. I can be a showgirl aka Car Model. But i don't think I'm going to be one. Firstly is Boyf's and parents objection. Secondly, i'm doubting my ability to be a sexy model. Without looks, figure, i highly doubt so. So Sorry. Maybe in printed media i would do better like what i have done. Heineken, Cosmetics but just not some sleazy model. For that, i highly highly doubt my ability.

Part of me wants to go because of the revenue i will earn but yet another part of me says - this isn't you. So, being Carrie. I think i will just stick to my magazine shots and stuff. Check me out yo! Like who the hell ever thought Carrie can turn into a random "model"

Enough said about modelling.

Watched some teevee earlier on and i saw this girl who had a pretty super insecure boyfriend. She went over to his place and left midnight whilst her boyfriend was still sleeping. She didn't stay overnight because they had just gotten together and it would reflect negativity on her. The guy woke up at 3 in the morning and phoned her to demand why she left him. He picked her up and went back to his house holding his silence all the way until they're home. He bursted out questioning why did she leave him and she just replied the same thing that it would reflect her as being easy to his parents. He got peeved and started to abuse her physically from 4th storey to the first. Her shouts for help notified the police and when they arrived. She was pinned onto the ground with her boyfriend strangling her.

How sad a story. Though seems oddly familiar. But this kind of guys should seriously shut up and go to hell. Pick someone of your own size dude. Well. I guess i'm able to say this now but once baby hits me, i think i would be crying and letting him physically abuse me :'( But hopefully he doesn't do it.

Baby finds it tough inside. I hope hes coping along fine :) I worry for him but i know its his duty to protect the nation. Even if it means sacrificing himself for the nation. This point sounds exaggerated but in the frontline, i highly doubt so. Don't ask me why men have to go NS. There is like a thousand and one reasons. But nevertheless. Many Many Much Much hugs to him for being BRAVE, the complete reverse of me :)

Quality is better than quantity. And i think i couldn't agree more. Yes. I do miss him alot when hes in camp and more often than not i always pray,wish,hope time would just fly and i'm meeting him soon already. But well. I can never more agree that distance does makes the heart grow fonder albeit a tad too cliche. But hey, Old's the new In. And i couldn't fathom why NS men are so afraid of their girlfriends leaving them?

Firstly. Girls have their own lives. We don't need you to be there 24/7. We just need to feel loved and cared for. Yes, we're attention grabbing animals but aren't you just the same as well? We want what you want (minus the sex part). We want to feel loved and we want to feel secure.

It doesn't mean that being in an environment filled with people of the same gender makes us feel less afraid. We're afraid of being the burden to you - making you more tired. We're afraid that because you have lesser time you need more time with your friends and not us. We're afraid that because your NS friends might not have a girlfriend and invite you for a clubbing or drinking session. Then god knows what happen.

I have got to admit its rather heart wrenching to wait and wait and you can't reach him as easy as it seems to be with the advanced technology. But well, my stand is that if he treats you right, you feel contented. And this contentment makes the torture worthwhile and less hurting.

Hmmms. Well. Baby, i love you:)

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