Friday, November 28, 2008


Friends are like the umbrella you carry during a heavy downpour.

I'm having a sad birthday this year so please wish me to have a happy birthday. FUCK. I seriously don't want 2nd dec to come :(

Yao wei, Thanks :)

[b][c=4]・・・I・E・F・C[/c=4][/b] says:
happiness can be found even in the darkest of times when one only remembers to turn on the light haha
[b][c=4]・・・I・E・F・C[/c=4][/b] says:
so try to think positively

Although i won't turn on the light for fear of what is in store (to put it simply, i won't have expectations), thanks for cheering me up.

And friends are like the bowl of hot soup on a rainy day. So i will catch the falling star and put it in my pocket.

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